Race Report – Jenny Corser takes 2nd in Westpoint Womens E/1/2/3/4

Jenny Corsers fantastic start to the season continues! As always a very thoughtful  and engaging report from Jenny follows below:

Race report Jenny Corser. Tuesday 12 April 2016 Westpoint Circuit Exeter

Holding a line.

Last race report I wrote about cake. I considered this topic carefully for this report but decided to write about lines instead.

I learnt a lot about lines this week.

I raced Modbury on Sunday and learnt about the very fine line between being OK, ticking along just fine, and then completely blown.

Tuesday evening was the Westpoint circuit race. I had a full day at work booked and wasn’t sure I’d get there on time. I woke early, to load my bike into my car, and packed a kit bag.

At work I learnt further about lines.

Being in the medical profession has its busy days (most days), but Tuesday on a scale of 1-10, was an 11.
There was the sadness of telling someone their disease had in fact not been cured and had spread. The line between the carefree patient who came in and the shift to the knowledge that recurrent disease and its implications lay ahead, as the shoulder slumped person left my room.

The resuscitation that happened in the middle of the day. A team of us administering CPR, then the paramedics arriving. Viewing that line directly between life and death. A line we all are aware of but never so much as when trying to pull someone back from it.


After 6 pm I rapidly changed at work into my lycra kit- using a back exit to the building so no one who knows me got to see me in the tight fitting outfit.

I got to Westpoint in time, and was able to warm up.

Then the race. I had my work day stuck my head, it’s a good way to empty it, on a race circuit.

So here I need to describe just how much fun it is to race, to all the potential women racers out there. It’s simply a superb feeling to be making your way in a group, using your heart, lungs and leg muscles as you soar through the air. At times there’s the burning of muscles well used but at other times there’s space to catch clean breaths. For the cynics amongst you,- yes it is essentially simply going around and around in circles and not getting anywhere- but somehow it feels like achieving something.

Whilst on this side of the line, it seems the right thing to do – to live and have no regrets. Life is short, push boundaries, do what scares you. (can you see me trying to convince everyone to race!) No ones getting out alive ultimately so try new things, challenge yourself.

And as I contemplate all this while racing someone mutters to me in the group crossly ‘hold your line ’

Yes hold a line. I will try.

(and the very last line to mention is the finish line- I was second across it)


Photo Credits: Ann Owens

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