Harrison Wood’s dramatic improvement saw him smash his PB for 10 miles on the S26/10 Course at Honiton on the Bank Holiday Monday. A great ride to take 7th overall and 1st Junior. Here are Harrison’s thoughts below
Having recently purchased a disc wheel (thanks Mum!) I was intending to get a good time on the TT. Sarah Lakey took me up due to my mum working. We arrived very early which left me lots of time to prepare my kit and bike. Part 1 of preparation done. Having a bit more time to do all of this definitely kept me composed and meant I didn’t get nervous. Off to the start line having carried out a good warm up. I could feel a slight wind but having spoken to fellow riders the wind was okay and not too strong. Part 2 of preparation done (know the conditions) I pushed hard in the TT and was well above my threshold on the way out but still felt comfortable. On the way back the wind was nightmare. A block headwind which had picked up during the race which happened to be just as I returned back. I held a high wattage on the way back and at the end my numbers were very good and a huge improvement thanks to my coach Conrad Moss. I got a time of 22.40 which was a good 2 minutes better than my previous tt in which I took the wrong turn. But still a great improvement I took 1st junior by roughly a minute and was placed well in the top 10 overall. Now to do some revision for gcse ahead of the exams