Given that the club is changing its jersey this year, the Dartmoor Classic Committee thought club members would appreciate the gift of a ‘new style’ jersey in lieu of volunteer’s vouchers this year.
The jerseys will be available in early May, well in advance of the Classic.
Riders who want to claim a jersey are required to have volunteered for a minimum of one day’s marshalling, packing or other duties and should liaise with the members below to volunteer:
Pete Adams: Marshalling
Becky Kelly: Packing
Stuart Bergman: Other
Any rider who claims a jersey but does not undertake their volunteer activity will be invoiced the price of the jersey. A bulk order has been placed with limited availability of sizes, so the earlier you volunteer (or confirm you have already volunteered and would like a jersey) the sooner you can reserve one in your chosen size.
The jerseys are from the Primal Evo range, as we used for the Dartmoor Classic itself and have the added option of reflective stitching – sizing charts are here
You can reserve here on the Club website
There will be a club social event organised in May at which the jerseys will be distributed.
Riders will spot that the Dartmoor Classic logo has been added to the left hand sleeve of the jersey, recognising the important contribution our showcase event makes to the running and financing of the club.
Best wishes
Guy Langworthy