MDCC Covid Update – Skin Deep – Cream for Carers
Mid Devon Cycling Club(MDCC) has upwards of 30 members working in front line roles helping Covid 19 patients. This ranges from the 2 large area hospitals through to GP practices and Care Homes.
MDCC has fund raised £3000 from it’s members to respond to the fact that the heavy use of PPE, constant hand washing and sanitiser use is significantly degrading people’s skin.Starting from Tuesday 14th April we have found the national manufacturer of the cream recommended by the Dermatology departments and forged a partnership with them.
This has led to the first consignments of Cetraben cream arriving at Torbay General and the RD & E within 3 days!(Pictures attached) Thornton & Ross Pharmaceuticals and especially their Director of Marketing, Janet Maclean have been utterly brilliant in working with us and also adding £500 of stock as a donation to our cause.

We now work with their regional Sales Manager, Dawn Munn, who lives in Tiverton and who has organised the supply chain through existing links, a wholesaler in Paignton and onto a Pharmacy in Bampton. Not only have they solved the supply chain problem but they have negotiated a £5.75 price per 200ml unit cf high street price of £7.99 so have ensured our efforts go that much further. We cannot thank the company and their staff enough.
One of members, Sarah Hall, is a Lead Nurse Practitioner across Devon and she has highlighted that there are other frontline staff working in the new ‘Hot Sites’ Covid Primary Care Hubs such as the one established at the Cricketfield Surgery in Newton Abbot and many GP practices that are also working directly with Covid patients.
Sarah said: “these are being set up in the community to see people who are COVID19 positive but still need to see a nurse or doctor but not so ill that they need a hospital”.
We would not be able to supply all these outlets from within the club which is why we have now just launched a Crowdfunding Appeal under the title ‘Skin Deep’ Cream 4 Carers which is aimed across the whole of Teignbridge and Torbay.
We would be delighted if the wider community would join us and donate via our page as below so we can reach as many carers as possible. Every penny will go to frontline staff.
Our Crowdfunding started with a modest target of £600 to buy 100 units of the cream but having reached 40% within a short time we hope to buy many more.
Our own fundraising has secured nearly 1000 units of the cream.
Photos from the RD&E taken Friday 17th April 2020