Molly & Anna Lane Season Update
Although second year juvenile racers this has been the first focused season of racing.
With such a condensed season the girls decided to focus on regional and a selection of national MTB races.

For Molly it has been a steady season with many National XC top 10s and some podiums in SW and southern races. She has also dipped her toe into a few regional circuit races with some wins and a good recent race at the Penzanze races.
Anna embraced her first proper season of racing with some great regional and national results including SW Champ and a podium at the first National XC race. Anna has also tried a couple of circuit races with some impressive podiums!

A highlight of the season for both the girls was representing the club at the recent Exposure 24/12 where they contributed to a win in the female 12 hour category.

The girls are now going to enjoy some local MTB and Cyclocross races and start planning for next season. Many thanks to the coaches and club for all their support!